Gli ELYSIUM svelano la tracklist del debut album LABYRINTH OF FALLEN ANGELS
Gli Elysium, band symphonic folk gothic, sotto contratto con la finlandese Lion Music ltd, svela la tracklist dell’imminente debut album “Labyrinth of Fallen Angels”.
Di seguito la tracklist:
Labyrinth of Fallen Angels
Black Hole
Before The End
Turn around
Fight for all Your Love
Close to You
Higher State
Nobody Knows
Here I Am
Elysium line up:
Daphne Nisi vox, background vocals
Marco Monetini bass
Christian Arlechino violin
Flavio Lovisa drums
Simone Moratto guitar
Marco Sinopoli keys & orchestra
A breve seguiranno altri aggiornamenti, intanto seguiteci su:
Web – https://elysium8.webnode.it/
Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVKF7wbSElJsW90yH6qTkNQ
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/elysium–1437500159821922/
Twitter – https://twitter.com/elysiumband1
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/elysium.band.ghotic