WE CAME AS ROMANS – lanciano il video di ‘Vultures With Clipped Wings’

I WE CAME AS ROMANS hanno appena condiviso il nuovo video di ‘Vultures With Clipped Wings’. Guardalo qui.

Il brano è tratto dal nuovo album “Cold Like War”, ora disponibile su SharpTone Records. Acquista musica e merchandise qui.

Guarda i video ufficiali di
‘Foreign Fire’https://youtu.be/oENP1R2G0g8
‘Cold Like War’https://youtu.be/k3zUWxdYd54
‘Lost In The Moment’https://youtu.be/KPevO6F-ZNk
‘Wasted Age’https://youtu.be/Elddy5PYe5w

1. Vultures With Clipped Wings
2. Cold Like War
3. Two Hands
4. Lost In The Moment
5. Foreign Fire
6. Wasted Age
7. Encoder
8. If There’s Something To See (Feat. Eric Vanlerberghe from I PREVAIL)
9. Promise Me
10. Learning To Survive

www.wecameasromans.com | www.facebook.com/wecameasromans | www.sharptonerecords.co/artist/we-came-as-romans